Tele Caller
No. of vacancies:- 15 Nos
:- Good communication skill
Qualification:- +2/ Above
No. of vacancies:- 15 Nos
:- Good communication skill
Qualification:- +2/ Above
No. of vacancies:- 2 Nos
:- HTML, CSS, Java Script, PHP, Python
Typical day-to-day activities and marketable skill sets for web developers include the following. Web Developers: Are fluent in the core web development scripting languages: HTML, CSS and Javascript. Should know one or more server-side programming languages, such as Java, PHP and .Net. Use search engine optimization (SEO) to develop websites that rank high in Google, Bing, etc. Test web pages and web apps in multiple browsers, e.g., Chrome, FireFox & Internet Explorer. Implement Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to efficiently control the style of multiple pages in site. Develop websites that interact with popular database systems like MySQL, SQL Server & Oracle. Use wireframes to plan the layout, navigation and functionality of new web development projects. Communicate with clients and colleagues to troubleshoot websites and optimize performance. Some web developers are responsible for designing a website's graphics and multimedia elements.
No. of vacancies:- 2 Nos
:- +2 or above
Knowledge in pagemaker.
No. of vacancies:- 2 Nos
:- Bcom
Knowledge in tally and in accounts.
No. of vacancies:- 2 Nos
:- +2 or above
Should have driving licence, Badge etc..
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